A baby boy.
And Marian's wish came true.
The boy had white hair.
He was baptized Martin,
after his grandfather. "
Dr. Frazier, good to see you.
There was an article in
the Journal of Chinese Medicine.
Hello, Monica.
They talked about virus locators.
Did you read it?
I can still hear you.
-I'm worried about her.
-I know.
She feels that she should mourn
the death of your son.
After five years, you feel
you should mourn too.
But medicine says mourning is
inappropriate. Martin is pending.
So all her grief goes undigested.
Henry, your son may be
beyond our science.
But it's your wife
who can still be reached.
The screening process was tougher
than building the prototype.
Of our 2000 employees,
only a few met your requirements.
Employment record,
quality of lifestyle.
Query. Internal data.
Loyalty to the firm,
and in this individual's case. . .
. . .a family tragedy that may
qualify him above the rest.
I'll see him.
-Don't kill me.
-What are you doing?
I love you. Don't kill me.