The faith my company has placed
on me, on us, is extraordinary.
There are a few procedures to follow
if you decide to keep David.
If you keep him, an imprinting
protocol consisting of seven words. . .
. . .needs to be spoken to David
in this order here.
For our own protection,
this imprinting is irreversible.
His love would be sealed
and we'd be part of him forever.
Because of this, after imprinting,
no Mecha-child can be resold.
If a parent decides not to keep it. . .
. . .they must return it
to Cybertronics for destruction.
I had to sign an agreement or
they wouldn't let you see David.
You have to sign it too. Right here.
Monica. . .
. . .don't imprint until
you're entirely sure.
Silly man. Of course I'm not sure.
Would you like me to sleep now?
Good idea. Good idea.
Well, it's late, you know.
It's after 9.