Artificial Intelligence: AI

Martin's been home a month.
Brothers normally challenge each other.

He was playing a game, he made
a mistake. He's practically human.

-Not holding the knife.

It was a weapon.
-Why do you think he'd harm me?
-We don't know the answer.

How is he worth the risk to you,
to Martin, to our family?

-I won't let you take him back.
-Think about this.

If he was created to love,
then we can assume he can hate.

And if pushed to those extremes,
what is he capable of?

Happy birthday, Martin.
I made this for you.

-Is this your little brother?
-Technically, no.

-He's Mecha.
-What's Mecha?

We're "org-anic" . . .
. . .you're "mecha-anical. "
Orga, Mecha.
Orga, Mecha.
Todd, stop!
I didn't know they even made kids.
Can you pee?

-I cannot.
-Let's see what you can't pee with.

Guys, come on.
Touch it.
It feels so real!
That's creepy.
-It feels so real!
-That is too real.

Does he have DAS?
-DAS what?
-Das ist gut!

Damage Avoidance System. DAS.
It's a pain-alert system.
Our serving man has it.

It's so they don't go picking up fire
with their hands.
