Is the Head Officer in?
He must be inspecting the neighborhood.
Grrr... those look so yummy... and moist.
Is your dream to open a bakery?
No. My dream is to get old fast.
I wish I were old, ugly,
and in my 40s or 50s.
Oh, those look delicious.
So you're Mia?
Do you enjoy your work?
See anyone do this kinda work for fun?
She must've hired me cause I'm cheap.
She doesn't even pay me right.
What if I have twins, too?
It definitely looks like twins.
By the way, a man in unit 3-4
has been complaining about stray cats.
He's always calling, demanding us
to take catch those beasts.
Are we supposed to
catch stray cats as well?
Who the hell's in charge of Units 3, 4?
Smudged bills have been delivered there.
Residents say they can't even read it.
How the hell were they handled?
I want that person in my office, now.