Try some of this.
That pretty girl, I don't see her today.
Oh, she quit.
It's... none of my business
but was her pay backed up?
Of course not.
Is that what she said?
Hurry up.
She's been driving me crazy...
Yes. This is E, U-in...
Ah, Kook-jung.
Well, nothing special...
Yeah, 2 PM?
See you then.
- Who's that? -You know her, right?
She's the redhead in baking class.
Who's she? Redhead no. 2.
Both are redheads.
Asako... That's a Japanese name.
Asa... What does that mean?
What about 'ko'?
It may mean...?
'Morning Beauty'?
'Morning Beauty'
How come you have them?
Well, you see...
Give them back.
I guess redheads are your type.
Not satisfied with just one?
Hey, Asako, who's she?
Asako or Mia, that is the question.
Gimme, I say.