Out of the way!
Tell Cookie
to melt the butter...
and break out the bibs.
I want this lobster served up
on a silver platter.
Load the torpedo bays!
Subpod crews, battle stations!
Battle stations!
Steady, boys.
Don't panic.
Jiminy Christmas!
It's a machine!
Wait, wait! Uhh!
Launch subpods!
Subpods away!
We're free.
All ahead full.
Fire torpedoes!
Fire torpedoes!
Get me the bridge!
Sir, it's
engineering on four.
We took a big hit down here...
and we're taking on
water fast.
I don't want to be around
when it hits the boilers.
How much time do we have?
20 minutes,
if the bulkhead holds.
You better make that five.
You heard the lady.
Let's move!
Where? Move where?
Packard, sound the alarm!
He took his suitcase?
Marge, honey,
I don't think he's comin' back.
-I have to call you back.
No, no, I'll call you.
All hands,
abandon ship.
Move it, people!
Sometime today would be nice!
Come on! Everybody grab
a seat and buckle in.
get us out of here!
I'm working on it!