You didn't just
drink that, did you?
-That's not good.
That's nitroglycerin.
-Don't move.
Eh, don't breathe.
Don't do anything,
except pray maybe.
Good night! Will you
look at the size of this!
It's gotta be half a mile
high at least.
It-it must have
taken hundred-
no, pfft, thousands of years
to carve this thing.
Hey, look,
I made a bridge.
It only took me,
like, what?
10 seconds, 11, tops.
Looks like we have
a little roadblock.
what do you think?
I could unroadblock that
if I had about 200 of these.
Problem is I only
got about...10.
Plus, you know,
five of my own...
and a couple of cherry bombs...
a road flare.
Hey, too bad we don't have
some nitroglycerin, eh, Milo?