Atlantis: The Lost Empire

so sometimes you gotta...boom!
Persuade 'em a little.
Yeah, yeah,
thank you very much.

Shut up.
Two for flinching.
This is it.
It's gotta be.

All right,
we'll make camp here.

Why is it glowing?
Pah! It is a natural

That thing is going to keep me
up all night, I know it.

Come and get it!
For the appetizer,
Caesar salad...

and your Oriental
spring rolls.

-I wanted the escargot.

Knock yourself out.
There you go, Milo.
Put some meat
on them bones.

Thanks, Cookie.
That looks greasier than usual.

You like it?
Well, have some more.

You're so skinny,
if you turned sideways...

and stuck out your tongue
you'd look like a zipper.

You know, we've been
pretty tough on the kid.

What do you say
we cut him some slack?

Yeah, you're right.
Hey, Milo! Why don't
you come sit with us?

Really? You don't mind?
Nah. Park it here.
Gee, this is great.
I mean, you know...
it's an honor to be
included in your-

-Ah, forgive me.

I could not resist.
Hey, Milo, don't you ever
close that book?

Yeah, you must've read it
a dozen times by now.

I know, but this-this
doesn't make any sense.

See, in this passage
here, the shepherd...

seems to be leading
up to something.

He calls it
the heart of Atlantis.

It could be the power source
the legends refer to.

But then it just-
it cuts off.

It's almost like
there's a missing page.

Kid, relax.
We don't get paid overtime.
I know, I know.
Sometimes I get
a little carried away.

But, hey, you know, that's what
this is all about, right?

I mean, discovery,
teamwork, adventure.

Unless, maybe...
you're just in it
for the money.


