Your Majesty?
On behalf of my crew...
may I say it is an honor
to be welcomed to your city.
Ahem. Uh, excuse me?
You presume much...
to think you are
welcome here.
Oh, sir, we have come
a long way looking for-
I know what you seek...
and you will not
find it here.
Your journey has been in vain.
But we are peaceful explorers,
men of science.
Heh heh heh.
And yet you bring weapons.
Our weapons allow us to remove
obstacles we may encounter.
Some obstacles cannot be removed
with a mere show of force.
Return to your people.
You must leave Atlantis at once.
Oh, Your Majesty,
be reasonable.
Not now, son.
Trust me on this.
We better do as he says.
May I respectfully request
that we stay one night, sir?
That would give us
time to rest, resupply...
and be ready to travel
by morning.
Hmm. Very well.
One night. That is all.
Well, thank you, Your Majesty.