Yeah, you got
that right.
Oh, th-this is great!
With this thing...
I could see the whole city
in no time at all.
Wonder how fast it goes.
So, who's hungry?
By the way, we were never
properly introduced.
My name's Milo.
My name is Kidagakash.
Uh, hey,
you got a nickname?
OK, Kida.
I can remember that.
What is wrong?
Oh, it's nothing. I just...
got something in my eye.
You know, my grandpa
used to tell me stories...
about this place
as far back as I can remember.
I just wish he could be
standing here with me.
Ah! Ah! Ee-yah!
Tell me more about
your companions.
Your physician,
he is called Cookie?
No, that's Sweet.
What is?
The doctor.
He's Sweet.
Oh, he is kindly.
No, no, no, that-
that's his name.
His name is Kindly?
No, Sweet.
Well, I mean, he's kindly, too.
So all of your doctors
are sweet and kindly?
No. Well,
I-I'm sure some are.
Ours is, but that's
not a requirement.