Atlantis: The Lost Empire

MILO: Good night! Will you
look at the size of this!

It's gotta be half a mile
high at least.

It--it must have
taken hundred--

no, pfft, thousands of years
to carve this thing.

Hey, look,
I made a bridge.

It only took me,
like, what?

1 0 seconds, 1 1 , tops.
Looks like we have
a little roadblock.

what do you think?

I could unroadblock that
if I had about 200 of these.

Problem is I only
got about...1 0.

Plus, you know,
five of my own...

and a couple of cherry bombs...
a road flare.
Hey, too bad we don't have
some nitroglycerin, eh, Milo?

[Laughing hysterically]
Looks like we're
gonna have to dig.

[Gasps gleefully]
It will be my pleasure.
[Beeps horn]
Oh! Stupid!

You are stupid!
I don't understand it.
I just tuned this thing
up this morning.

It looks like
the rotor's shot!

I'm gonna have
to pull a spare...

from one
of the trucks.

-Can l--
-No toques nada!

I'll be right back.
[Hissing and groaning]
She lives!
Hey, what'd you do?
Well, you know,
the boiler in this baby...

is a Humac model P54/81 3.
Now we got the 81 4
back at the museum.

The heating cores
on the whole Humac line...
