Sweet mother
of Jefferson Davis!
It's beautiful.
Milo, I gotta
hand it to you.
You really came through.
SWEET: Uh, I take that back.
Holy cats!
Who are these guys?
-They gotta be Atlanteans.
-What? That's impossible!
I seen this back
in the Dakota.
They can smell fear
just by looking at ya.
So keep quiet.
[Speaking Atlantean]
I think it's
talking to you.
[Speaking Atlantean]
speaking Atlantean]
Ita, sum amice viator.
Dices linguam Romae.
Parlez-vous francais?
Oui, monsieur!
They speak
my language!
Ah, voulez-vous...
Ooh, I like her.
Hmm! 'Bout time
someone hit him.
I'm just sorry
it wasn't me.
Buenos dias.
Guten tag!
[Atlanteans speaking
various languages]
How do they know
all these languages?
Their language must be
based on a root dialect.
It's just like
the Tower of Babel.
Well, maybe English
is in there somewhere.
We are explorers
from the surface world.