We come in peace.
Welcome to the city
of Atlantis.
Come. You must speak
with my father now.
Squad "B," head back to
the shaft...
and salvage what you can.
OFFICER: Yes, sir!
ROURKE: We'll rendezvous
in 24 hours.
OFFICER: Let's move it.
You heard him.
I'm so excited!
MILO: Now, what's
really amazing is that...
if you deconstructed
Latin, you overlaid it...
with a little Sumerian...
throw in a dash
of Thessalonian...
you'd be getting close to their
basic grammatical structure.
Or at least you'd be
in the same ballpark...
-Someone's having a good time.
-Like a kid at Christmas.
Commander, there were not
supposed to be people down here.
This changes everything.
This changes nothing.
MILO: Take that, Mr. Harcourt!
ROURKE: Your Majesty?
On behalf ofmy crew...
may I say it is an honor
to be welcomed to your city.
Ahem. Uh, excuse me?
You presume much...