Baby Boy

She just danced for me, that's all.
You touch her?
Hell, no. I didn't touch that nasty girl!
We can't touch them anyway.
It's against the rules.

Private dance, that's all.
Just a quick lap dance.

-You don't believe me?

It's the truth. I didn't fuck!
It was a private dance in the corner.
Alone, but I didn't do shit.

You must take me for some kind of fool.
You foul, Jody.
I smell your dirty ass from here.

Why you got to be around
them nasty girls?

You know they do that shit every night.
You know how many dicks
they suck every night?

And you go down there
like the rest of them, like a fool!

You better not bring me nothing back
from one of them bitches.

Fuck it, then! Don't believe me.
I told you I didn't fuck that girl. You keep
putting your hands on me I'll beat your ass.

Where you going?
I hate you!
You're selfish, arrogant and stupid!

-I don't need you here!

I'm tired of sitting up here,
not having a man with me when I want.

Being lonely.
I'm going to do what the fuck I want.

What are you going to do?
I said I'm tired of waiting for your ass.
I hate you.

I'm going to have me a man.
A man who wants to be with me
and my baby...

...and have a family. A real man, Jody.
Not some little boy,
still living at home with his momma.

Fuck you! Kiss my ass!
Go out on the streets and be a trick.
I should knock you the fuck out.

You better not,
or I'll call your probation officer...

...and they'll put you black ass back in jail!
-Now kiss my ass, nigga!
-You're stupid, girl.

You better walk away.
I hate you! You're so stupid!

You hate me? Keep on saying that shit.
That's right. I hate your ass.
