Baby Boy

Collect call
from the California Correctional Facility.

-Correctional Facility?
-Do you accept the charges?

Hell, no!
Who called you from jail?
That nigga Rodney?

You don't hear me now? Hello!
Rodney's lonely.
He just want to talk. Don't trip.

That's why the phone bill
was an extra $100 last month?

I'm paying you to talk to him?
You putting my money on his books, too?

Didn't I tell you
to put a block on the phone?

You don't listen to no-damn-body.
Don't even trip.
Collect call
from the California Correctional Facility.

I'll accept.
-Hello? Hello, Yvette?
-This ain't motherfucking Yvette.

Put Yvette on the phone!
This is my phone! Don't call my house
asking to speak to my woman!

Your house, nigga?
You don't even live there.

Is this Jody?
The Jody that got my boo pregnant?

And can't take
his responsibilities as a man?

Living at your momma's house?
Running around like a little boy?

Nigga, you's a bitch!
Look at you! What have you got?
Your ass in jail!

Don't tell me how to handle mine.
Don't call my fucking house no more!
My girl ain't feeling you!
It's not happening, cuz!

Nigga, concentrate on not dropping
the soap, bitch-ass nigga!

Fuck you, cuz.
-I want a block on the fucking phone!
-All right, Jody! Damn!

What are you doing,
telling him my business?

He's saying,
"You still live with your momma."

I don't want to hear that!
She's so suspicious.
She always think I'm fucking somebody.

I go to the bathroom,
she say, "You got a bitch in there?"

I'm going to the store.
She says, "There a bitch at the store?"

Then I got to come home
to Melvin and his bullshit.
