Baby Boy

-Hey, Jody.
-What's going on, baby?

-What's up, Jody?
-What's going on with you?

-I need some new boots.
-I got you covered with gator, girl!

They might be bootleg,
but I got you, girl!

Dresses! I got some business suits
coming in! You'll love those!

Why are you yakking your mouth
and talking shit?

I'm just trying to make money. When the
money come in, you never complain.

Don't be cute.
Nice and quiet. My own little spot...
...right in my tomatoes.
Get me some wine.

Over there,
I think I see some weeds by the peppers.

Why don't you use Weed-B-Gon?
I'm a natural gardener.
That's how it was done way back.

You get on your hands and knees,
and pull them up.

That's how my momma and daddy did it.
That's what I'm gonna do.

Don't forget to put the weeds
in the compost pile.

You ain't doing nothing
but bossing me around.

I think I'll plant some summer squash
next year. lt'll be better.

Jody, we got to stop this.
Every time I come out,
you go into the house.

Man, nobody's thinking about you.
This is where I relax.
Take that noise somewhere else.

Every time I come out to work
in the garden, he goes in the house.

Give me some wine.
Seven, winner.
Baby, be sweet.
