Hey, driver, stop! Stop!
Hello, Soltan.
How are you doing?
-How are you?
-What are you doing here?
Here... some... one of my fellow
countrymen lives around here.
I came to visit him.
I am lucky I saw you.
Where are you?
You left us without any news.
I'm looking to earn my bread.
Memar can't hire any Afghans.
Where are you working?
Anywhere I can.
One day here, one day there.
Are you still there?
Yes, I am on my way right now.
What's Rahmat doing?
Where is he?
He works in Kan Sulerun.
It was difficult for him
in the city.
Rahmat's work is close
to the Shoeb shrine?
Just behind it.
I used to work there.
I know the place.