- Who's Neil Mclndoe?
- Regional pathologist.
Big ugly fucker, no taste in clothes,
bad personal hygiene.
Got you. In the canteen.
Reason I didn't know who you meant,
was everybody calls him "dog-breath".
Fuck me. You're not eating that swill
out of choice, are you, Neil?
Detective Inspector Hepburn.
How's the golf, George?
It'd be a lot better if some fucker
hadn't ripped off my clubs out my car.
The reason I come here to eat this swill...
...is so I can enjoy my lunch
without being surrounded by body parts.
I thought pathologists had no feelings.
That's a myth...
...like all pathologists have bad breath.
Where is your finger from?
You tell me.
Off a dead person or a live one?
Obviously dead.
If you cut a finger from somebody
that's alive that finger will exsanguinate.
All the blood will drain from it.
Cut that finger from a corpse,
the blood is already semi-coagulated.
That's what I thought.
Somebody playing practical silly fuckers?
Some medical student, no doubt.
They're such scum, those fuckers.
This is Brian's finger.
- You recognize the ring?
- I know my own flesh, George.
Does this mean he's alive?
On balance, Ronnie...
...all things taken into account...
...and after listening to expert advice,
I can say...
He was alive when it was cut off.
The girl's spoken to him.
If they hadn't killed him by then,
they won't kill him now.
What are you... Sorry, I have to keep that.
I'm going to see it's returned
to my brother.