Beautiful Creatures

And he's not your dog.
He's my dog.
And if he dies...
:57:29 die as well, you bad, evil bastard.
It's not my dog.
He's called Pluto or something.

How much do vets cost? Here.
Sorry, miss. You can't just...
Also, watch when you sew him up
because he's 50 percent acrylic.

I was only joking about you and Pluto.
I love you.
I'm sorry I hurt you.
I'm dying.
If you don't get me to a hospital, I'll die.
You'll be in a hospital in a couple of hours.
My arm's numb, my fingers are cold.
I'm freezing cold all over.
Just a wee bit longer.
"Don't let the bugs bite."
Remember? You used to say that.
The time you were ill
and I looked after you.

You remember?
It was you who made me ill.
