You've had an interesting career, Lieutenant.
l remember when you came on board.
Smart as a whip, tons of potential.
- Thank you, sir.
- And then, on September 23rd,
you received a non-punitive letter of caution
for disorderly behavior
at the China Fleet Club in Hong Kong.
Another letter a month later
for something involving Chinese New Year
at Pattaya Beach in Thailand.
One can only imagine what that was.
Just out of curiosity, Lieutenant,
what happened to you?
Sir, l signed up to be a fighter pilot.
l didn't wanna be a cop.
l certainly didn't wanna be a cop walkin' the
beat in a neighborhood no one cares about.
That and the routine on the ship
kinda wore me out.
- The routine?
- The routine.
What you don't know from experience
is that the routine, the systems checks,
the drills, the maintaining of discipline,
that's what you do to prepare for war.
- We're not at war, sir.
- Yes, we are.
Unless we're parked in San Diego Bay, you're
at war every time you step on this boat.
- You understand that?
- No, sir, l do not understand.
lf we're at war, why don't we act like it?
Cos as far as l can tell, we go out,
we fly around and we come back.
Maybe we're pretending we're in the fight,
but we're not fighting, we're watching.
You should be glad you're not in a fight.
With your attitude you wouldn't last long.
Sir, l've given the navy seven good years.
l think l've served my country.
You wouldn't know the first thing
about serving your country.
You have two weeks remaining on this tour.
You will serve them in a manner
befitting a naval officer.
l'll keep your letter in my pocket.
At the end of those two weeks,
you be on your way.