Behind Enemy Lines

You're dismissed, mister.
O'Malley told me you dropped your letter.
He's tellin' the truth.
So you're gonna break up the band, huh?
Oh, that's good.
Hey, listen, Chris. Listen, l thought
you were kidding about getting out.

You telling me l gotta find another navigator?
ls that the deal?

l can't do it anymore. l'm done. l'm sorry.
(PA system) All hands. An air contact
believed to have originated in the North Pole

has been spotted
and is inbound to USS Carl Vinson.

No, no, it's good to hear your voice. No, no.
Yeah, they're taking care of us great.
They're putting up tinsel,
and it's very Christmasy.

No, Dad, don't wake her.
Just tell her l said ''merry Christmas.''

We're disappointed
that we won't be seeing you.

Well, you may get to see a lot of me soon.
Well, we understand. You got
important things to do over there.

Dad, l gotta go.
- We're very proud of you.
- Dad, l gotta get goin'.

- All right, l love you.
- Bye.

That son of a bitch!
Did you see this? He put us
on the holiday mission. Goddammit.

- Well, at least we get to fly.
- Yeah, during the one good meal of the year.

- lt's almost like he doesn't like us.
- No. You, not me. You.
