We'll start over again
Grow ourselves new skin
Get a house in Devon
Drink cider from a lemon
(TV) The CincinnatiAccord verifies Serbia's
commitment to a lasting peace in Yugoslavia.
l welcome the announcement
that NATO will leave the region.
Coordinates 3 0 1 5 0 6.5 1 1 5 0 confirmed.
Sectors are all concurrent.
- You sure about that?
- l'm readin' it right here, pal.
Yeah, well, uh...
the Serbs must've bought some old U-boats,
cos we're flyin' over a lake.
And a warm thank you to the US intelligence
community, ladies and gentlemen.
Yet another useless joyride at the cost
of mere millions to the US taxpayer.
Hey, hang on. Scope showing activity
in section four alpha to our left.