Alpha Whiskey, this is
Ark Angel Zero Six. Over.
(garbled over static) Alpha Whiskey, this is
ArkAngel Zero Six. Over. Can you read me?
- What is that?
- Sorry, sir. There's some interference.
lt's the beacon from the ejector seat, sir.
- Well, shut it off.
- Aye aye, sir.
Alpha Echo, Alpha Echo, Alpha Whiskey
directs cease buzzer on Zero Six.
(beeping stops)
Alpha Whiskey, this is ArkAngel Zero Six.
Over. Do you read?
Zero Six, this is Alpha Whiskey.
Read you loud and clear. Go ahead.
Zero Six, this is Alpha Whiskey.
Read you loud and clear. Go ahead.
Ark Angel is down. l say again.
Ark Angel is down, and l am on the run.
Slow down. What is your count?
Minus one. Stackhouse. They shot him.
No names over the net.
Confirm your last.
Minus one. Confirmed.
Serbs in camo shot my pilot.
You're saying a uniformed soldier
killed your flight officer?
No, l'm saying they executed him.
They talked... They were talking to him,
then they shot him in the head.
All right, calm down, son.
We're working on it. Wait one.
- How soon can your team be ready?
- We're ready now, sir. All l need is a ride.
Zero Six, consult your chart.
Reposition to rally point three.
l read 133-41. Maintain radio silence.
We're comin' to get you, son.
Just get to the rally point.
- Understood?
- Zero Six copies. Out.
- Contact Piquet and Donnelly.
- Aye aye, sir.