Louvre Museum
lt was found in a forgotten store room of the
old Louvre during the renovation.
New Kingdom, surely.
Rameses period.
lt's truly remarkable.
According to the files, the sarcophagus was sent here
in nineteen thirty-five, by a certain Pierre Desfontaines,
an in-house Egyptologist.
This kind of vault is that of a...
a lowly functionary,
but take a look at these inscriptions.
The kind only royalty would get.
And, even stranger, his name
and his face have been erased.
Open it.
The bandages are intact but there's
not one jewel, not one amulet.
lt's not possible.
- Perhaps they just forgot.
- lmpossible.
l'm telling you. For the Egyptians, these objects
were necessary for the journey to the afterlife.
That grayish spot there,
what is that?
Looks like metal to me.
Well l'm glad we have new equipment.
l don't know that painting.
Oh, the Mona Lisa,
you never heard of it.
What the hell is that?
Felix. Felix. Call central.
Oh Christ!
What is this shit?
Something in
the electrical system.
Watch out, the gate!
Call Miss Spencer
about the hieroglyphics.