Ah you're here? How nice of you.
You got time for coffee?
Thanks, l have to go see my landlord who's
throwing me out of the store.
Yeah right there are days.
Well, you do what you have to do.
But look you just call me
if you feel burned out or something.
First time l open a mummy.
Not like the ones we get...
at the morgue.
l'm used to a little heat
when l open one.
l hope you're not
too squeamish about it.
No, that's all right. l did some
work for the Red Cross once.
So, subject is male.
According to the scan about thirty years old,
height, five foot nine.
Request chemical analysis of entrails.
Entrails mummified separately
in canopied wrappings.
Looks like bronze.
ls that customary? The mask?
No, it's not. lt's not customary, l've never seen
this before. We'll have to have it dated.
Gross examination of the cranium; extensive bruising
in the left parietal region,
a knife wound. Subject alive
when this occurred.
lt also caused a deformation
of the left ocular orbit.
All right...