That's him. The phantom.
Stay there watch your fanny.
Don't move man!
He's right behind you.
Yeah, it's me. Weren't you at home
last night, what happened?
l was gone. l mean l took something to help me sleep,
it's just been terrible.
Sure but why'd you leave?
l was worried.
- l felt bad. l got spooked.
- Spooked? Electric guitars are always shorting out.
Hello, Lisa l can't hear you.
- Hello?
- Hello? Martin?
No, come on, this is too much.
lmpossible. There's a problem with everything l touch.
Hello Martin? You there?
Hello? Hello Martin, where are you?
Right here. Faster than
a speeding bullet.
You scared me to death.
What is all this?
Nothing's the same any more.
lt's Disneyland.
No way! l told him l wouldn't work nights.
l have no desire to meet a phantom.
Come on, that's just a rumor.
You ask me... The less you listen
to rumors the better.
They walked in off the street like the British?
Checked every point of access?
With all these outages, the cameras and the alarms
weren't working.
Yeah, but that's why we have
guards here for god's sakes!