Us mortal men, we pass through
and then we're trampled in the dust.
lf you look in the eyes of
Belphegor one second,
you'll go nuts so take my advice,
don't you ever under any circumstances
meet eyes with that creature.
Okay. Hear me? Never!
Yeah, all right, sure, okay.
Now, middle of the night, what were you doing at the Louvre?
- Hey, look detective...
No, l'm only a lieutenant.
l never made detective because of Belphegor.
l promised not to say.
Well l was hoping l wouldn't be
forced to bring you in but well...
So give me a call!
Ah, it's you.
Last time l looked.
- That's you, are you sure?
- Yeah. Come in.
- l followed you last night.
- Followed me?
l was only trying to protect you, now...
please don't go back there. lt's too dangerous.
- Back where?
- To the Louvre.
There's a killer loose, some kind
of phantom. Look it's really crazy, all these stories,
but people are dying, real people,
made of flesh and blood.
The book...
lt's beautiful, the kingdom of the dead.
l had a dream last night.
My grandmother held me in her arms.
She was pretty, and young...
like when she came to get me.
- Ever heard about Belphegor?
- What? Sounds nice.
Look Lisa, promise me you
won't go back to the Louvre.
You must think l'm crazy.
You say this, and l'm the one who's crazy.
Let me go to work.
Sure go ahead.
Have a great day.
Of the two obelisks, one is in Paris
at the Place de la Concorde.
the other stayed at the site in Luxor,
not far from the Valley of the Kings
where the inhumation of our mummy took place.
Someone tried to wipe out his name.
Pierre Desfontaines was led
to the discovery of the tomb
by a ring stamped with a dynastic seal, found nearby.