Berlin Is In Germany

Gone. - Go on.
..0. - Yes.
24... 27...
- Yes.

30? - Yes.
33... 35... 36...
What's a nigger doing
on your balcony, Peter?

Stop yelling, we're playing skat.
Let's have a look at you, nigger!
Isn't that the guy from
the pub? - Yes.

Watch it or we'll come over!
Are they sick?
They're just kids.
Are we going to stand for this?
- No, I don't think we are.

I'll hold the fort, OK?
You lot are in for it now!
No more "uuh uuh uuh"!

Good stuff!
Get 'em!
Yes! Look out, Martin!
Good, Enrique!
What do you want with that?
- You know, Martin ...

... some guys run around with guns.
As a taxi driver,
you've got to watch it.
Get in.
This is some car! Can I drive?
Top left.
Hand brake.
On the left ...
... clutch, in the middle ...
brake, on the right ... accelerator.

Like in the East. - Like in the East.
Oh, a lovely sound!
