Bizita Q

Come out!
They're here!
Everyone, can you see this?
Can you see this?
Everyone, this is my home! My home!

Did you see that?
The big strong bullies are here!

This is my wife!
She's a lovely little wife!

Dinner was delicious!
This is... l don't know who this is!
We're not acquainted!

This is my home!
Watch! lt's amazing, truly amazing!
What a scene!
My wife threw this knife!

This is it! How should l feel?
l don't know how a father should feel!

But l know my family is
being destroyed!

So what do you think? How do we
judge this wonderful bullying?

l'm burning! l just saw fireworks
in my head! lt's hot, so hot!

What's taking you so long?
Hurry up and shit!

Take a shit, you little turd!
-l don't want to!

Think you have a choice?
Dump it!
