Oh, wait! Uh, look, darlin'.
Don't cheat yourself, treat yourself.
Uh, look, uh...
I, uh, I don't... work here.
Yeah, I'm a talent agent.
I represent, uh, people like...
Mariah... Denzel...
You can call him Zel.
I'll let him know just you gonna call him Zel.
But I gotta tell you... I'm just gonna be
upfront and say it. You are gorgeous.
You glow, girl.
You speak with an unusual tongue.
Oh, no, that's just how
we talk in my neighborhood.
Now, look, first thing we gotta do
is get some pictures taken.
- You own a thong?
- A what?
OK, never mind. Why don't you just bring
an old pair of drawers and cut the ass out?
You know? So just give me your number.
- Excuse me?
- You asked my number.
I am one of the king's
chambermaids, number seven.
Oh. Well, that must be
your employee number.
No, I was talkin' about your phone number.
Don't worry. I'll write my number down.
Anybody got a pen?
- You can read and write?
- Yeah.
Who you been datin'? You gotta raise the bar.
Good day, ladies. How are you
feeling today? Wait. I shall tell thee.
- (gasps)
- Yes.
Very nice.
You especially, my Nubian queen.
Hey, what the hell is wrong with you, man?
Don't you know that's sexual harassment?
Ah! You the idiot that damn near
ran me over, aren't you?
Wait till I find your boss.
He's gonna fire your metallic ass.