You would do well
to mind your tongue, Moor.
- (women gasp)
- Or I will cut it out and feed it to the dogs.
(imitates dog panting)
Come here.
Nah, I'm just messin' with you, man.
I ain't no talent agent, so cut the act.
I'm just tryin' to get at her.
Ain't she fine? Watch me work.
Moor! Do you mock me?
The king awaits thee, messenger.
You might want to take a chill pill, all right?
"Do you mock me, Moor?"
Hey, look, your boss
makes you call him "king"?
We gotta talk union.
Yeah, man, that's not right.
We gotta get you a dental plan.
We do apologize, sire. We did not
expect your arrival for several weeks.
- How shall I introduce thee?
- What do you mean?
Your formal introduction
for your audience with the king.
Formal introduction?
( regal fanfare)
Your Majesty, if I may have your attention?
Starting at small forward,
from lnglewood High,
two-time All-County Conference Player
of the Year, the messenger from Normandy,
(imitating sports announcer)
Jamal "Sky" Walker!
That be l! What's up? What's happenin', y'all?
Thank you! Appreciate it,
big homie! Thank you!
It's the... (barks)
Hey, what's up, now?
Oh, man! Now, that brings back memories.
You arrive early. My daughter and I
welcome you. What news from Normandy?
Uh... what news?
Well, a couple of drive-bys.
Other than that, same ol', same ol'.
When will the duke arrive
to take my daughter's hand?