Black Knight

(Jamal) Hey, that's tight!
Long live our deposed queen!
Power to the people!
Sorry, I didn't mean
to interrupt your rehearsal.

Please, proceed, proceed.
(crowd gasps)
Y'all got a head that comes off?
A neck that spurts blood?

Look at the head.
How do they make it look so real?
Oh, because it is real.
You have to calm yourself.
Calm myself?
I was just holdin' a human head!

- You'd think you've never seen an execution.
- Not lately!

Wait, uh...
OK, all right. What day is it?
- Is it Sunday the 5th?
- Yes, messenger, I believe it is.

- 2001?
- Two?

It is the Year of our Lord, 1328.
- Argh!
- The date frightens you?

You think it don't when it does! Oh!
I didn't mean...
OK, let me calm... Let me just relax.
That's what... a seat. It's a...
