-All right, get your boots.
-Thanks, Dad. Thanks.
Bill, what's your problem? Guess who's
on clean up today. And buyin' lunch.
Money! M-O-N-E-Y!
That's yourjob, not mine!
Dad worked hard, but didn't earn
enough to please Mom.
Why do you think I married you?
She'd thoughtshe'd married
above herclass.
He'dpromised her the moon,
but didn't deliver.
The true was, business gotslow
and we were broke.
Don't touch me!
Look at your hands.
Please, not in front ofthe boy.
The boy, the boy!
What about me, Fred?
-Where are you going?
-Go home, George!
Mom, where are you going?!
No matterhow often
no matterhow many times
she embarrassed him...
he always took herback.
He loved her.
God, he loved her.
Come here.
Are you okay?
-Are you all right?
Hi, George. I'm home.
Come on, give me a hug.
Come on, Georgie.
Come to Mommy.
Come give your mother a hug.
For ten years...
my father worked his ass off 14
hours a day, 7days a week.
He didn't care.
As long as we were happy.
Okay, well, what do I have to do?
But in the end,
he didn't make enough.
Slowlybutsurely, we lost
everything. We were bankrupt.
Let's get ice cream.
I don't care about ice cream right
now. What're we going to do?
It'll be all right, George.
It'll work out. It always does.
I'll find anotherjob.
Look, this is how it goes. Sometimes
you're flush, sometimes you're bust.