How do you think that
reflects on me?
Every time I go out,
I'm humiliated.
So you go to jail.
It's for your own good!
You need to straighten
your life out!
What are you looking at,
Mrs. Gracie? Your son's no prize.
All right, stop.
Open up cell number 3!
Prisoner's in.
Close cell number 3.
Hello. My name's Diego Delgado.
How do you do?
-Hey, George.
Ifyou don't mind me asking
why are you in this place?
I don't want to talk about it.
Oh, come on, George.
Ifwe are to be friends,
we must trust each other.
-I don't like a lot of conversation.
-Me, too.
Too much Blah-blah-blah.
You know.
But we are roommates.
And we must talk to each other.
I'm arrested for stealing cars.
For the grand-theft auto.