I must meet your lawyer.
I got to get out of here, Diego.
Only 2 ways I know to leave
here early.
is to escape.
Okay, what's the other?
-I guess me ought to open our books.
-Man, fuck you.
We ain't opening shit.
You just the warden's little bitch.
Doing that shit to get some
time cut off.
Why not?
I want to get out ofthis shithole
as quickly as possible.
But for me to walk early, some of
you got to graduate.
You should forget it.
You're hopeless.
Fuck you.
See you in the shower.
The rest ofya might get diplomas and
jobs when ya get back on the outside.
Shit, I'm in this bitch for life.
Motherfucker, I'm a criminal.
Ain't nobody giving me no job.
Let's learn some criminal
shit too.
Tell you what.
I'll make you a deal.
Halfthe time I teach you about
George Washington...
the other half, I'll teach
you how to smuggle drugs.
You don't know dick about
smuggling no drugs.
Oh, no?
I was arrested in Chicago with
660 pounds of grass.
I think that qualifies me.
How'd you get 660 pounds
Flew in from Mexico on
a single-engine Cessna.
So we got a deal or what?
I listened to what you say to the
class today about the smuggling.
Never believed you were
a murderer.
I knew you were a "magico".