And for those ofyou living on the
moon for the last twentyyears...
he was it.
The boss ofit all. "EI mágico".
He will see you now.
-Okay, let's go.
-Not you.
-Never mind. You go.
-Yeah, you go.
-No, wait.
-You go, George.
I'm not going over there.
You got to do all the talking.
He says Señor Escobar only wants
to see you. Not me. You go.
-This way, please.
-Yeah, right.
Take it easy. It'll be fine.
All right, fuck it.
you're the man?
Who takes fifty kilos...
and make them disappear in
one day.
Actually, it was three days.
"EI magico". Greetings, Mr.George.
Welcome to Colombia.
Oh, this man.
He was full of courage.
He would have run, fled the
country, gone to the "policía".
But then his wife, his children,
his parents, his friends....
Many people would die.
thank you for inviting me
to your beautiful country.
Beautiful, yes.
But, poor.
Coffee, bananas, these are
our main export along with mota.
We've been overrun by the fucking
"comunistas", but that is another story.