Do I know you?
I don't think so.
Why are you smiling?
Why are you smiling?
I don't know.
I'm George.
I know who you are.
Mr. Jung. I see you've met
my fiancée, Mirtha.
Augusto would like to see you
Augusto would like to see you.
In a minute.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
Please join us. Have a drink.
-How you doing?
-Remember Mr. George?
Congratulations on conquering
the West Coast.
Thank you very much.
-How much bigger can we get?
-Sky's the limit.
If it's accepted by actors and
musicians, everyone else will follow.
Very good. Diego.
We were discussing George's
West Coast operation.
Yeah, George's mystery man.
What is this mystery man?
-When do we meet him?
-You can't.
George keeps him a secret.
He meets everybody, goes to
Colombia, meets Pablo...
but still he keeps his secret,
even from his brother.
We're all in this together.
-There's plenty for everybody.
You know, I think that....
I think "EI Padroni's" happy with
the current situation.
Don't you?