After five years oflaying low,
Mirtha needed to have some fun.
So on my 38th birthday,
she threw a little party...
and invitedsome old friends.
Happy birthday, George.
Mirtha invited me.
Yeah, she told me.
Look, I'm sorry about everything.
You were right. I did fuck you.
And Diego fucked me.
Cut me out too.
Yeah, I heard about it.
I lost sight of everything,
Forgot who my friends were.
Well, fuck it. It's in the past.
Forget about it.
I'm out ofthe business...
-so we'll just move on.
Good to see you, Derek.
You too.
-Let's get a drink.
-Who's cutting your hair?
That's fucking funny,
Let's have some fucking fun!
Jesus, is that Mirtha?
Christ almighty, George.
What does she weigh, 80 pounds?
Yeah, give or take.
Come on.
Happybirthday to you
Happybirthday to you
Happybirthday to you
to you