
Disco shit. Pure as the driven snow.
Good fucking riddance.
-You saved my life.
-No, I didn't.

No shit. You'll never know.
Really. All you guys.

And being as how I'm feeling so
fucking generous tonight...

you just got a raise.
A raise?
Instead often percent,
you're going to get fifteen.

Jesus, George.
That's an extra two hundred grand.
That's right. Do whatever you
want with it. Have a nice life.

I'm out. "Finito".
Last fucking party.

I'm going out to California.
Start a new life with my kid.

Here's to it.
-Here's to you, Georgie.

-Here's to you, George.
-Cheers. All right, fellas.

Another round?
I'm going to hit the head.

I feel like a fucking kid today.
-I feel bad.

Me too.
I like him too, but what's done is
done. So let's not get all sentimental.

Dulli, you know what
I was thinking?

I was remembering that time
we flew into Mexico.

You remember that landing strip?
Fucking nuts.
You're much better now.
