Just like the old man.
Let's go. It's getting dark.
Come on. It's getting late.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go.
I got a visitor.
Not today, George.
It's time to go back.
Yeah, but l... I want to put her
on the list for tomorrow.
My daughter.
My daughter's going to visit me
So in the end, was it worth it?
-It's lockdown time.
-Jesus Christ.
How irreparablychanged
mylife has become.
It's always the last day ofsummer,
and I'm left out in the cold...
with no door to get back in.
I'll grantyou, I've had more than
myshare ofpoignant moments.
Life passes mostpeople by while
they're making grandplans forit.
Throughout mylifetime, I've left
pieces ofmyheart here and there...
and now there's almost
not enough to stayalive.
But I force a smile,
knowing that myambition...
farexceeded my talent.
There are no more white horses
orprettyladies at mydoor.