Phil would cook up
the most amazing dos.
Big rigs, you know.
Well, he better get a move on.
Entries close end of tomorrow.
Ten years too late for that, Tony.
That's just what Phil said.
You know something?
There's not a single team from
Keighley in the whole competition,
and we re hosting the bloody thing.
That s typical around here, that is.
l mean, we got a veteran cutter,
you a veteran model.
There's Brian in the business,
and Sandra, another top model.
And what do you do when
the circus comes to town, eh?
ln front of your home crowd,
you watch.
Tony, we're not even speaking.
l m not asking you to speak, am l?
l'm asking you to cut.
- There.
- Don't forget your roots.
lf you like these,
you'll let me color for you?
lf. And that's a big '' if' .
What's in this mix, anyway?
It don t look right to me.
Hmm, looks fine to me.
'' Fine' might be all right in your mother s salon,
but you're gonna have to do better
than that if you're to color for me.
'' Fine' don t win competitions.
Well, Dad, just give me a chance,
will you, okay? l'm a good colorist.
l can't see it meself.
lt s only hair, isn't it?