Only hair?
You can tell a lot
from a man's hair.
- Oh, aye?
- Oh, aye.
For instance.
You washed it three days ago. . .
with avec.
Tea-Tree Scalp Treatment.
And it were cut--
rather well as it happens- -
two and a half weeks ago.
- By Phil Allen.
- How d you know that?
- Phil? Still cutting then?
- Who s Phil Allen?
See that? Tiny point at the nape
of the neck. Unmistakable.
- He's out of it. Has been for years.
- But who is he?
Good morning, starshine
The earth says hello
You twinkle above
We twinkle below
Good morning, starshine
You lead us along
My love and me as we sing
Our early morning singing song
- Gliddy glup gloopy
- Sandra. . .
you know this, uh,
hair competition?
- Yeah.
- Should we go for it?
You serious?
Oh, Shell, I don't know.
That were a long time ago.
l'm hardly model material now.
You' ve got beauty hair,
and you know it.
We'll get Brian to do
Men's Timed Cut. . .
and Phil to do Total Look.
Brian. . . and Phil.