Blow Dry

l m going in for the competition.
l was wonderin' --
Well, what about it?
lt s one salon per town, and
nobody's even entered for Keighley.

We're sort of a salon.
Well, could be. . . technically.
l checked the rules.
- Same family.
- Technically.

Well, we could do it, you know.
lt wouldn't take much
to get back in the swing of it.

Be like old times.
Old times stopped ten years back,
lass, when you upped and went.

Finished your breakfast?
We're open.

Brian, what about it?
Please. . .
be my guest.
lt's your choice, lad.
That were a good one, Phil.
One for the album, I d say.
- Oh, my. Christina?
- Yeah?

Biological warfare unit for you.
Guess I need a bit more practice.
Louis, you re coloring.
lf l had real models to practice on,
l d do a better job, right?

One of the
nastiest double crowns. . .
