It were a nice idea, love.
There's always next year.
Brian, what are you doing, love?
l'm not cutting for you permanent,
just the competition.
So, what about it?
Are you on for it?
Of course l am.
Hey, you'll have to do
something about that. . .
if l m to work with it tomorrow.
Rehydrating conditioner or
axle grease.
Don t start, you.
l shouldn t even be talking to you.
My dad will kill me.
Your dad will never know.
Anyway, you said you need
coloring practice, and l. . .
definitely need to get my scissor
fingers loosened up for tomorrow.
- So- -
- Yeah, but--
Shit, Brian.
l've never, uh,
l ve never seen
a dead person before.
l mean, not. . .
not really, not close up.
Keeps on growing after you die,
you know.
Pretty spooky, that.
Hair and the nails.
This is Uncle Barton.
l think you're sleeping in his bed.
Does it bother you?
A bit.
No volume, no real hold.
That's the problem.
l use volumizing conditioner. That
helps give it a bit of body, l find.
So, what about it?
Take color, will it?