Blow Dry

So, how's the, uh,
little love-heart?
lt itches.
Ow, Dad!
Just smile, sweetheart.
The red horns were a nice touch.

- Very theatrical. Talk of the town.
- l was just practicing.

There are people you practice on
and people you don t.

Dead people belong
in the latter category.

And there are people you
practice with and people you don't.

Bloody Brian Allen also belongs
in the latter category. Right?

Right. Sorry.
- Get out of my dreams
- Get in the backseat, baby

- What's the deal here?
- What on earth? My comb's melting.

l can't work with this!
Steward. Steward! What is the
meaning of this? Look at this comb!

Get into my car
Lady driver
let me take the wheel

- Smooth operator
- l'm really sorry, Sandra.

- What have you done?
- l've got to go.

- Excuse me.
- Come here, you.

Make it real
Like a roadrunner coming after you

Just like a hill
l'm really, really sorry, Saul.
Competitors, stop styling.
All competitors to stop styling.
The, uh, clock has stopped.
There will be
a five-minute time break.

Replacement combs are
being issued now.

Well, fuck this for
a game of soldiers.

Sorry, Phil. Had to be done.
What's going on, love?
