There never was another bloke
for me.
Still isn't.
You get out, you thievin' buggers!
Steal my bloody sheep,
will you, you bastards.
- Time was drifting
- Time. That s it. You've blown it.
You haven't even touched his fringe.
You've got 20 minutes total.
That s five minutes each side,
five at the back,
three at the front,
two for your finishing touches.
You've gotta dance, lad, dance.
Forward, back, forward, back.
Thirty times a minute, by heck.
l never thought a son of mine
had have flat bloody feet.
Must get them from your mother.
On your toes, boy.
Balance, shift, feel it.
Couldn't see the light
l couldn't see the light
Sharon, love, hop out a second.
Swap over, Shelley.
See. . .
you're our model for Hair By Night,
you're not a dummy.
You can help her.
See, it saves seconds,
maybe a whole minute
over a Hair By Night job.
You can do a lot of business
with a minute. Comb.
A kiss on the lips
could be quite continental
But diamonds are a girl's best--
What the hell happened to you?
The Total Look- -
Marilyn. . . Monroe.
Well, l didn't think
you were the milkman.
Oh, you don't like it.
He doesn't like it.
Do you know how many Marilyn Monroes
are gonna pop up in Total Look?
- lt s the oldest gag in the book.
- Now, now.
lt s not bad, Sand.
lt s nice coloring, but--
Different approach.
You could help her. You two did
best Total Looks in bloody world.