Thank you, mother
Hey, you shouId pay
for my song as weII
Mom paid you aIready
I gave her that money
Why don't you go home?
You want me to go away?
I'm just kidding
Great grandma, great grandpa
Be carefuI with the aIbum
Grandma Iooks pretty there
This is the train dad
used to conduct
Grandma, who is this?
My husband
Grandma, Who is this?
Who is this oId man?
Mom, this is dad
This is dad when he was young
This is dad when he was oId
What's grandma doing?
She feII asIeep
Did grandma and grandpa
get aIong weII?
ReaIIy weII. Your grandfather
took good care of her
He used to buy her aII kinds of
cIothes and cosmetics
He aIso took
a Iot of pictures of her.