I ain't no po-po.
You got to get it yourself, man.
It's around the corner,
down the block...
by the...
What's that, nigger?
Loose brick,
north side of the building.
Go, man. Bounce.
Let me go on record, Jason.
This is a really bad idea.
There it is.
It's easy as pie...
and twice as tasty.
Man, someone's screwing
with my car!
Come on.
Come on, in here!
I saw them go in.
This is a waste of fucking time.
Come on.
Forget it.
There's no way they're in there.
Trust me. I've been
working here for 20 years.
There's nobody in there.
Let's go.
Fucking donut shop shuts
in less than five minutes.
All right.
Oh, God damn it!
Let's get the hell out of here.
Dude, that was close.