
That's your dream, not mine.
I don't ever want
to leave this street.

Status quo is totally
cool with me, baby.

I hear you, Jimmy.
I'm with you, baby.

-Be good.
-All right, baby.

I hear you, Jimmy.
You got all the status...
and I ain't got nothin'
but the quo.

Officer Slupovich...
aka Loopy Lou.
It's not your style...
is it, Eddie Mack...
killing off
your customers?

I ain't killed nobody.
You want me to rack 'em up?
Play a game?

Too bad.
No time to play today.

Got your tip.
Confiscated the whole stash.
That's fair enough...
for the shit.

Don't you think I deserve
something a little extra...

for knocking out
the competition?

Shit, you was just doing
your motherfuckin' job.

The last thing you need...
is for me to start doing
my fucking job.

Give that motherfucker
his money.

That's more like it.
That's the cost of
doing business.

Maybe you can deduct it
on your taxes.

Fuck you.
What's up with Jeremiah
selling that building?

That's ridiculous, Patrick.
So how exactly did crack
get in the ghetto, Pop?

By magic?
How did it fly in there?

Like the man said,
we don't own that many planes.

Stop poisoning your mind
with that ghetto paranoia.

That's the ways of people
justifying their own failure.
