
Get out!
Y'all better stop
messin' around!

Go, boy!
What the fuck!
What's the matter, bro?
Are you spooked?
Maybe just a little,
all right?

I know. There is kind of
a strange vibe up in here.

Make yourself comfortable
around the circle.

We will begin in just a moment.
You gonna join us?
Can't. Gotta finish
this for school.

God gave you the vision.
I hate to see you waste it
on painting pretty pictures.

You got your vision
and I got mine...

and I won't waste mine
like you did.

Sorry, Mama. Maybe next time?
I don't want you to go
to that house anymore...

and I want you to stay away
from those kids and that dog.

That dog is a servant of evil.
Ever been inside?
Yeah, back in the day.
Before it became what it is.
And what's that?
It's a bad place...
and a door to worse.
